South Bay:
Three Steps to Connect


Join us on Sundays

9am Service (with VKIDS*)

*VKids only available at 9am Service check-in at 8:45am

11am Service**

** Please note that there’s no kids program available at the 11am service


New to Vintage Lunch

Sunday, April 6, 12:30pm-1:15pm

Once a month, we do a special hosted lunch, with Pastor Jonny Bell alongside some of our South Bay team. Come along to hear the history and vision of Vintage, how to get involved and ask any questions.


Find Your People

Come to our Brunch Hang:
10:30-11am on Sundays
With great coffee and a pastries, this is a quick way to meet new people. If you’re coming to the 9am , stick around, if you’re going to the 11am come early. It’s the facets way to make and build friendships at South Bay.

Meet & Eat (Starting March 2025)
Meet at the entrance of the School after the 11am service on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, to go to a local eatery for a buy-your-own lunch. This is a great opportunity to get more connected in our community without making extra plans.

Dinner Parties
Hosted by members of the church, whether around a table, living room or rooftop, everyone grabs a plate, a drink and breaks bread together - something Jesus did countless times with his disciples and friends.

Team Vintage
We believe that the Church is meant to be a family where everyone digs in, rolls up their sleeves and helps out. It’s also a great place to make friends and together have a greater impact on our community.

Attend one of our local events, from life stage and worship events through to opportunities to bless our city. See our listing of upcoming events below.

South Bay Events