Gather & Eat

This week things are a little different. Gather together to decorate, set the table, maybe your community is cooking together, throwing things in the oven, peeling potatoes, and squeezing limes for the spicy mango margaritas that Kenzie is preparing.

Have fun.


Once the meal is ready, sit down together and have someone pray a blessing over your meal. It doesn’t have to be a long prayer - we don’t want the food to get cold after all.

Discuss + Connect + Share

As you eat feel free to chat freely and enjoy where the conversation goes. You can also use the following questions as prompts to intentionally get to know each other on a deeper level:

  1. What is your earliest memory?

  2. What is one thing that made you cry in the last year? (watching videos of dogs greeting veterans coming home doesn’t count - that makes all of us cry)

  3. Can you think of the time you laughed the hardest in your entire life?

  4. When you talk about hearing from God, or hearing his voice, what is that like for you? Describe what’s happening.


After dinner take some time to pray together as a large group. Offer up both thanksgivings and supplications.

Practice (90 mins)

Here’s some things to practice this week to delve deeper into this topic.


Stretch Goal

If you want to do a deep dive into exploring the relationship between Eating and Drinking and Jesus you can check out this beautiful book:

Food and Faith: A Theology of Eating by Norman Wirzba